Page 24 - SOGBA 1 2021
P. 24
or prolonged, forceps, overweight, and me- parameters were diagnosed by the MRI
nopausal status. study, who had doubtful symptoms and
The technique of this study is to obtain gynecological examination. Who reported
images at rest, during the effort and the Val- sexual dysfunction disor.
salva maneuver. It does not require admi-
nistration of intravenous or oral contrast. CONCLUSIONS:
The structure of the pelvic floor is divided The pathology of the pelvic floor can
into 3 compartments: anterior, middle and compromise multiple compartments, which
posterior. The pelvic floor is a complex are not always clinically evident. The pos-
structure, which has passive (endopelvic sibility of combining the morphological
fascia) and active (muscles) support. We (static) information provided by the Mag-
seek with this method to evaluate the above netic Resonance, with the evaluation in mo-
described and have a more precise diagnosis tion during different physiological events
of the situation and demonstrate the term of (RMD), makes the diagnostic result supe-
rior to the simple sum of both information,
since the correlation of the defect Structura-
RESULTS: lly responsible for the dynamic dysfunction,
Patients with pelvic floor pathology allows a more accurate interpretation of the
were evaluated, whose ages ranged bet- causes of the problem, facilitating a correct
ween 50 and 65 years, the mean age being choice of treatment. This is very useful at the
58 years, between October 2015 to July moment of choosing the treatment for each
2017 where 72 MRIs were performed. The particular patient, especially in the diagno-
only exclusion element was that they had sis, treatment and monitoring of patients
Osteosynthesis or Metallic elements in the in the medium and long term who do not
body or pelvis. 18 Cystoceles, 14 severe ca- meet the conditions for surgical treatment
ses of Multicompartmental Prolapse (En- or treatment is preferred. Clinician-kinesics
terocele-Cystoureterocele-Trachelocele), 8 and support either because they do not want
Enteroceles and 12 Patients within normal surgery or can not undergo it.
22 S.O.G.B.A.