Page 23 - SOGBA 1 2021
P. 23
ABSTRACT: factors favoring pelvic floor dysfunctions
The term Tensegrity is the contraction added to the menopausal state. Therefore,
of the words Tension integrity or integrated knowing in depth the changes that occur
tension. in pregnancy and childbirth will serve as
A tensegritic structure is the ability to a comparative basis for the study of pelvic
integrate the tension of the entire system floor pathology. Until now, the study of the-
while staying in balance; therefore, the pre- se structures has been complicated, mainly
sence of tension confers stability to a ten- because it requires not only the assessment
segritic structure (“favorable, positive or of the morphological aspects but also the
necessary tension”). Excess tension that functional ones. Two-dimensional ultrasound
and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) have
can cause weaknesses in the system “Unfa- been used for this purpose, and it seems that
vorable tension”. the introduction of three-dimensional (3D)
Tensegrity applied to living beings called ultrasound may today offer us new means to
Biotensegrity, tensegrity in motion. The term study the anatomical and functional aspects
Tensegrity is the contraction of the words of the pelvic floor.
Tensional integrity or integrated tension. Pelvic floor dysfunction is the abnor-
Hypertonia or tension in the muscles, mal descent of the pelvic organs below their
have a significant component in painful di- normal position in the pelvis. Common in
sorders and especially in sexual disorders women over 50 years of age. Risk factors:
Persistent and recurring problems with multiparty, overweight, history of pelvic
sexual response, desire, orgasm, or pain surgery and especially menopausal status.
(which distress you or upsets your relation- So gynecologists, urologists, surgeons and
ship with your partner) are known in medi- radiologists should be familiar.
cal terms as sexual dysfunction The diagnosis of pelvic floor pathology
What characterizes the female orgasm is is clinical, through physical examination
the presence of a series of intermittent con- of the pelvis and perineum. Nowadays
tractions in the musculature of the genitals. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance informs us
The rhythmic contraction of the muscles of of muscular and ligament us injuries in a
the pub genital area, causes the walls of the more real and objective way. On the other
outermost area of the vagina to narrow. Si- hand, urodynamic functional studies are es-
milarly, there is a contraction of the anus. sential, which allow assessing the function
The female pelvic floor, made up of of the urinary organs and sphincters.
muscles and fasciae, supports the pelvic The intention of this work is not to re-
organs. The dysfunctions of this entire net- place the gynecological examination, but by
work constitute a significant health pro- means of this study to expand its margin,
blem, which affects a significant number of objectifying the characteristics of the pelvic
women, and carries a high economic cost. floor with images. There are risk factors that
Age is the most important causal factor, predispose to this situation, which are diffi-
but pregnancy and childbirth are the main culty in deliveries, whether multiple and /
Vol. 52 - Nº 253 / 1 - Año 2021 21